Service Riser Flooring at Granta Park Cambridge



Service Riser Flooring at Granta Park, Cambridge for SDC Builders

grp-riser-decking-sdc-builders-granta-park2GRP Safety were called in by the large Construction company SDC Builders Limited to install their GRP Safety Riser Flooring system in the new office building at Granta Park, Cambridge. 

Whilst the building only consisted of 3 floors, there were several risers on each floor and the majority of the risers were over 8 metres long by up to 1.4 metres wide, so still took some time to complete. Given the width of the riser openings, GRP I Beams were used to span across the width and in addition, GRP angle were fixed to the concrete slab as an additional support.

grp-riser-decking-sdc-builders-granta=parkGRP Safety worked to a concrete pour schedule, meaning they returned a few days after each floor was concrete poured to then install their riser decking system. The riser openings were shuttered and concrete poured around them. This meant that the GRP supports and flooring were installed from the ply soffit. Nearing the end of the project some risers were required to be installed from a standard scaffold tower, showing the versatility with the GRP Safety Riser System. 

As each floor was poured over a period of circa 12 weeks, GRP Safety would attend to complete the risers available on each floor. This installation method insured that no temporary fall protection was required to be installed around the riser openings. Each service riser was put back in service, allowing M & E Contractors to run appropriate services on each riser.

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GRP Grating installed